
Learning Unity - Create with Code (Part 2)

Since the initial update, I've continued with Unity's Create with Code course to the end of the first unit. The big realization: creating things with Unity is really easy! Well, sometimes it's easy...

Taking Flight Youtube Thumbnail

And then sometimes your car decides to use a construction barrel as a ramp and takes flight. In retrospect, this is the kind of thing that's probably easy to fix by messing with some physics settings, but at the time, I just opted to use a different obstacle. But hey, the finished product doesn't look too bad, and matches what the tutorial was aiming for!

The first project #

Project 1 Youtube Thumbnail

As it turns out, dropping assets into Unity and attaching scripts to them to allow for them to react to player input is pretty straightforward. I'm glad I understand the foundational elements of programming, because the course doesn't really see fit to explain terms like variables, methods, classes, etc., except in that they are words you can type into your script to make objects do things. To me, the key takeaways here are:

Next steps #

From here, I'll be moving into Unit 2. I also want to spend some time looking into how to implement the initial features of my personal project. Stay tuned for progress in both.